Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Demyx (デミックス Demikkusu) is the Organization's reconnaissance agent who is also referred to as the "Melodious Nocturne" (夜想のしらべ Yasō no Shirabe). He is a slacker who would rather play his sitar "Arpeggio" (アルペジオ Arupejio) than go on missions, especially those that require him to perform physical labor. He is a smooth liar as he tricks Roxas into working in his place every time they are sent on missions together. Though he admits he is not much of a fighter, Demyx has power over water, using it to create duplicates of himself. He also has control over the Dancer Nobodies. Demyx is voiced by Kenichi Suzumura and Ryan O'Donohue in the Japanese and English versions of the series, respectively.
Soon after appearing in Kingdom Hearts II at Hollow Bastion with the other Organization XIII members, he is assigned to look over Sora's progress in the Organization's plan, much to his chagrin. Demyx confronts Sora in the Underworld of Olympus Coliseum, stealing a medallion called the Olympus Stone to protect him from the Underworld's energy-reducing curse. After attempting to talk to Roxas through Sora, Demyx pits him against his water copies, and leaves after losing. Demyx later crosses paths with the protagonists again at Hollow Bastion, and battles them after they enrage him by mocking his nature as a Nobody, but is defeated and fades into darkness. In his first chronological appearance in 358/2 Days, Demyx reluctantly participates in the missions Saix assigns to him out of fear of what Xemnas could do to him.

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